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Bhanu Spoke :Oh, Brahm Narayan Swarup Ram Krishnan, Kindly let me know what should be the style of flowing the Nation and the world for the Man in which the society for the nation is required to flow. A number of questions are arising in my mind following the thoughts given by you. As you make me more and more to understand, I come to know about the ignorance within me.(1)Ram Krishna Spoke :The world has certain condition at every moment. MAA is slowly opening the rules in the hands of Men. The powers of Prakruti are advancing the Man on the path of welfare by rules of Prakruti. You think of today’s common Man who is enjoying the facilities, which were not enjoyed even by Kings and Emperors in the past.(2)Page No – 91
A common Man can not have certain types of facilities. A Man however rich he may be can not get ready by himself all the facilities. The Prakruti takes the Man in the direction of that position. Through this the Prakruti give inspiration of relation of love, oneness of mind and co-operation between Man to Man.(3)By keeping the Man inadequate the Prakruti inpires him to seek the co-operation of other Man.(4)Even the natural wealth given to different regions are distributed in such a way that the Man cannot go forward without mutual co-operation.(5)Thus the Prakruti expects the co-operation and love between one nation and other nation by that way Manushya Bindu (drop of Man) gets the fruits of developments.(6)At every moment the Man’s happiness also depend on to what extent the entire world has advanced.(7)You see how the entire world is coming nearer to each other with the help of telephone, T.V. Computer etc.(8)Page No – 92
Every Man is engaged in the service of another Man at one or other place. Nature natural wealth in every nation for the benefit of the people of the world.(9)It is the duty of the concerned nation to ensure that this wealth is not wasted or used indiscriminately.(10)Prakruti or MAA is working for the advancement of the HUMANNESS in the entire world. As we will consider you will realise the MAA’s invisible long hands.(11)The Prakruti has also created different mental wealth just like physical wealth in different Nations.(12)The Prakruti talks about Man’s welfare and the world’s unity by bringing different nations slowly nearer to each other.(13)The family, society, nation and the world inherited by the Man at the time of his birth is his limitations.(14)It is the duty of each Man to see that the family, society and nation are developed and they turn towards the path of welfare of Human being.(15)The Prakruti destroys the Man who fails to discharge this duty or causes obstacles in the path.(16)Page No – 93
If you consider this thing properly you will know about the miraculous Narayan Shakti working in the entire world invisibly.(17)The groups of people dancing at the tune of internal emotions of the Man are indulging in destructible activities for selfish purpose as against it the Narayan Shakti is trying to prevent such person from the work of destruction which you will learn from meditating over such point.(18)Therefore it is necessary for the interest of the nation and world to see that number of people controlling their emotions go up.(19)It is the mandate of Narayan Shakti to ensure that the nation is able to develop all its strength of the Prakruti and the nation uses its entire strength only for the development of the world.(20)The Prakruti is working to ensure that the nation becomes powerful and welfare-oriented and not weak and it takes the world in that direction.(21)You should observe the movement of Narayan Shakti spreading all around the world.(22)Among all these destroyable resources, the Man is living with Narayan Shakti because Narayan Shakti by its invisible power controls the destroyable sources.(23)Page No – 94
By such meditation you will know that the Narayan Shakti works in the world.(24)Consider the entire world like a body. You also see the form of the emotions in the body and see the Narayan Shakti’s control over the world so that you will have the Darshan of God.(25)Those who are indulging in damaging activities in the name of religion and God and are spreading terrorism, they are groups of Shaitans. They really do not know about the God.(26)No religion exhorts people to indulge in such damaging activities. The God is interested only in the welfare of the Man.(27)The God blesses strong nations which are benevolent to all.(28)Prakruti dislodges the nation which indulges in harmful activities.(29)Thus it is the duty of every citizen of the nation to see that this nation becomes strong and do the welfare of the world.(30)Page No – 95
The Prakruti directs us that we should build he nation after studying the invisible energies of the Prakruti and their rules and using them for welfare of the entire HUMANNESS.(31)The unity of such nation continues to be strenghtened by Narayan Shakti and MAA keeps the damaging powers under control.(32)Bhanu Spoke :Ram Krishna, I can understand what you are saying and also experience it. But I cannot put them in words in writing through pen. Therefore, I tried to give it a wordly form as per my limitations, you help me in this. You have brought me on the brink of the limit of my intelligence. I can not jump beyond this. After coming over here I have come to understand you as Divine Light and the Narayar Shakti working in the world. But I do not have the competence to give this understanding to the world.(33)Ram Krishna Spoke :Son, I also understand that all these cannot be said and written. But one can spread thePage No – 96
concept in the world that every nation is also slave of the Prakruti and Prakruti is the internal power of Narayan Shakti through which it is working.(34)If every nation works in accordance with the working rule of Narayan Shakti and makes the citizens of the nation to move towards that direction then it automatically gets the help of Prakruti.(35)Narayan Shakti is working in such a way that any man can not place obstacles in another person’s life. He should cause least damage to the flow of another Man and live such a life that their own energy stands for the welfare and only welfare of the people. We want that the number of such persons should be increased.(36)The Narayan Shakti is engaged in defeating by one way or other the people who are doing harmful work.(37)This Narayan Shakti is the special power of Prakruti to take the humanity forward. You may give whatever name to this, you can see the power by meditation and can know their rules.(38)Page No – 97
My purpose is to point out that the Nation should increase more and more of groups of persons who are following these rules and do the welfare of humanity by way the world should go ahead toward WORLD PEACE.(39)The Prakruti slowly informs the people that the concept of HUMANNESS and its welfare is very high.(40)Here the word “world” is used in narrow sense. It is used for the earth under the belief of it being be world.(41)The Prakruti is going ahead to show another Planet and a life in that. I lead the Man towards creating energy and knowledge to prevent and destroy outside and outside only the elements coming from outside world to clash with the world.(42)This work can not be possible without the co-operation of the entire HUMANNESS.(43)With the birth of this concept the Prakruti is giving the great idea of the ONENESS of the Man of this world and it is making understand that this world will have to progress on thePage No – 98
path of welfare of HUMANNESS on this earth with the groups of people having the idea of welfare and Narayan Shakti.(44)Nobody has got anything. Every thing is only in the hands of Prakruti and it is taking the HUMANNESS as a whole with the help of invisible power and crores of invisible hands and Narayan Shakti is removing all obstacles. This concept should spread to he entire earth.(45)I am telling you this to spread this understanding to the entire world.(46)For this Prakruti has given birth to different people in different parts of the world. And put an emotion of Narayan Shakti in them.(47)Such persons are working and taking forward the work according to the system of work of Prakruti.(48)By observing all this from manuscripts one can have the Darshan of God and the Atma (Soul) experience – the Prakruti’s Special power i.c. Narayan Shakti by inteligence.(49)In order to give this experience to your Soul you have been given this Darshan.(50)Page No – 99
By this Darshan you wil realise that you are a toy being run by MAA or Prakruti and the emotions of “Proud” would melt.(51)By this meditation you will have the idea of MAA’s eternal power and Narayan Shakti.(52)I know that I have taken you beyond your limitation. It is very necessary to experience the Narayan Shakti. You have got an idea about the divine light. But it is not possible to describe the eternal but can be experienced. In the same way you will experience the same but not able to describe.(53)Thus you were given the Darshan of the world form of Narayan Shakti. May benevolence bestow on you.(54)End of Chapter 10