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Bhanu Spoke:“Dev you told me that ‘MAA’ allowed the Man to play within his limitation but I could not understand this.”(1)I feel uneasy as I am not able to understand the meaning of “limit” and “within limit”.(2)Ramkrishna spoke :“My son,for this you should understand your birth in a scientific way.(3)You are born basically in a drop form in the scientific way.(4)The drop form which you are not even able to imagine is in reality a scientific fact.(5)In this drop all the micro parts of your body are gifted by Prakruti.(6)Thus Prakruti has fixed your maximum limits right from the beginning.(7)Page No – 34
This drop when born in the form of Human at that time even the circumstances such as the protection of the drop,the factor responsible for its growth and the circumstances for development are also gifted by Prakruti.(8)This thing is not in the hands of Human, one has to ‘accept’this thing.(9)Secondly this time the creations of “development of society” such as the roads, instruments of communications, scientific invention, Government procedure, the circumstances of the family where he is born are created by Prakruti.This is its limitations.
Thus its body, organs of the body and different powers within the body, such as intelligence, power of sight, power of listening etc. and the outer condition prevailing around it are the limits given by the Prakruti.(10)The continuous flowing of Prakruti, earth, water, air, sky and others continue to flow from the human body and thus Prakruti holds invisibly the Human by its stream.(11)Thus every Human goes ahead in the stream of Prakruti.(12)Page No – 35
The special feature of the stream is that one has to go forward in the stream. Once what we called the birth-there is no process for going back which also is the limit laid by Prakruti.(13)All these limits are such that they can not be crossed.(14)The death is a most certain fact and therefore in the life of man death is the last drop of the stream.(15)The Man should accept this drop not due to fear but as the ultimate form of Prakruti.(16)Now you think about the past Path of life and think of the road for going further so that automatically you will realise the thing- drop form of the Prakruti.(17)Pondering over it your pride will immerse and you will realise that you are only a drop of this human stream which has been created by the Prakruti and taken forward by Prakruti.(18)On realising this, there will be effect of some third power by the real experience of the intelligence.(19)Once the intelligence concedes this, the Prakruti-MAA will also be accepted by one.(20)Page No – 36
Once intelligence accept MAA one should start pondering about the power of MAA.(21)There will be realisation that MAA has retained a number of powers in her hand to run the society.(22)Once one accepts the existence of MAA by becoming a child and goes to MAA by intelligence in that case the special emotion of Prakruti would start flowing from MAA’s emotion.(23)You have a look at every conciousness-Chaitanya a special emotion of motherhood is being flowed by Prakruti.(24)Prakruti is flowing the sentiments of motherhood in every womanhood of even in the wildest and smallest animals.(25)This motherhood sentiments means the immeasurable stream of Love flowing from her to her child.(26)Once this thought is born then one would have only the thought about child’s welfare.(27)Thus if you become a child towards Prakruti and bring emotion that MAA is there andPage No – 37
Prakruti is MAA and understand that by Mann (centre of thought), intelligence and soul then automatically the “stream of Love of Mother” will flow from Prakruti.(28)You will be overjoyed by having the Darshan of this stream.(29)You observe these things with the ‘Manas Chakshu’ so Prakruti would start working for only your welfare because the functioning of this trend is to work for the welfare of the child.(30)Thus you are a drop born of MAA and you have limitations fixed by MAA within yourself.(31)MAA has given you a number of emotions to enable you to swim along with human streams. For flowing these emotions MANN has been given. The emotions flow according to the power of Mann.(32)In order to guide the Mann, intelligence has been given to the Human.(33)As long as there is conciousness the emotion will work as per Mann and intelligence.(34)The Prakruti gives birth in the stream to the man after fixing up maximum limit.(35)Page No – 38
Man is allowed to conduct himself with intelligence, Mann and emotion.(36)A man has to conduct himself within this limit by keeping control over the Mann and behaving with intelligence.(37)In This process the man should try to reach maximum limit, limit fixed by the Prakruti.(38)One can only operate within this limit and the Prakruti directs to achieve maximum progess by controlling the Mann with intelligence and controlling the emotion by Mann and by using the emotion as may be required.(39)Human’s greatest power “Narayan Shakti” is bestowed in every Man.(40)This power works for the welfare of the entire humanity.(41)It always funtions for making the virtues victorious.(42)The man has the power of consciousness. As long as this power remains in the body the Man is considered alive and if that power goes he is dead.(43)Page No – 39
The power of consciousness is called “Atma” or “Soul”.(44)The power of consciousness is a drop of MAA’s emotional ocean of “Chaitanya Shakti.”(45)In the ocean with seperation of a drop of water, the drop having all the qualities of water is moving around.Similarly the soul within the body of the Man is like the drop seperated from the great “Chaitanya Shakti” from the ocean and it moves around with all kind of “Chaitanya Shakti’s quality.(46)Prakruti creates human body with limitations.(47)The Chaitanya drop, in other words, the soul, will have to play within this limitations.(48)On the other hand when the different senses of the body and emotions secure the control over Mann without understanding the “Chaitanya” and these senses secures control over intelligence by insisting that all the senses are all pervading and body is also all pervading and get Control over intelligence, then inteiligence work in accordance with the Mann (Centre of thought).(49)Thus intelligence can not be Atma i.e. Soul.(50)Page No – 40
The body is coated by false layers between soul and intelligence by emotions.(51)So soul is not able to see MAA and therefore the Man cannot have the Darshan of Narayan Shakti of MAA’s Shakti.(52)The Prakruti has fixed the maximum limits of it’s “Purusharth”for the body of the Man given by Prakruti combined with circumstances as granted by Prakruti.(53)The Man has to live within the limitation granted by Prakruti and the maximum limits of prescribed endevour.(54)Every man should make an effort to reach the maximum limits of Purusharth prescribed by Prakruti.(55)Thus I made you understand the meaning of “within limit.”(56)Because of lack of knowledge we ourselves are not able to indentify our Soul.(57)When the soul is indentified, the intelligence realises by Manas Chaksu that the Prakruti has evolved the Mann and the emotions of Mann for this Soul.(58)Page No – 41
As and when all of them start identifying soul and with the help of soul start identifying MAA and the Narayan Shakti of MAA the Soul makes, movement toward’s Chaitanya Samudra and merge with it and also assimilate itself with MAA.(59)This movement is known as movement towards Moksha.(60)The soul which is living against this movement and which is surrounded by false layers, move towards the opposite direction.This movement is against the movement of the Moksha.(61)The Man has to live indepedently in the midst of limitation of Prakruti and limitations of endeavour fixed by the Prakruti.(62)It is in the hands of the Human being as to how to behave within this ‘liberty’.(63)In this liberty of our lives by living the life with understanding Human Religion, the Soul will march towards Moksha.(64)End of Chapter 5