Chapter 14 – How to Perform Work

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  • Bhanu spoke :
  • Oh, Tej Poonj Brahma Swaroop Ramkrishna, how to do Karma? What is the difference between the Prakruti given condition and Man created condition? Deva, kindly throw light on the path of my life so that I can walk easily.(1)
  • Ramkrishna Spoke:
  • Son, I made you understand earlier that the Man had to work at every moment. There are the results of Karma. The condition of the Man at every moment is the result of earlier Karmas granted by the Prakruti. The condition of that Bindu has to be accepted.(2)
  • Thus the condition in which you are born is Prakruti-given condition.(3)
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  • At the time of your birth the social, economic, physiccal and mental condition received by you, your social, national and the world condition are thoose given by Prakruti, we have to accept them.(4)
  • If you want to catch the 4-00 AM train you should reach the station accordingly. If you do not reach on time, you have to suffer from the Karma’s fruits which you yourself has produced.(5)
  • If you are going to station and your rickshaw overturns and you are admitted in hospital in an unconscious condition and could not reach the station in that case it is the Prakruti given result and that also it is the Karmafal either of the previous birth or this birth.(6)
  • Thus if you will walk on the path of your life after awakening, you will understand how to do your work.(7)
  • There are bound to be results of Karmas done by you earlier and you are going to get life accordingly because the super computer of Prakruti will immediately make calculations and give the appropriate results.(8)
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  • Thus in order to mould the moment of future the present movement is most important. There is no sense in expressing regret at the present moment for past. The enlightened person do not express this type of sorrow.(9)
  • It is in your hand to make this present moment a great moment. We should take care that this moment is not wasted in expressing sorrow for the past.(10)
  • At the present moment you have to do the work without surrendering your emotions, after observing through Gnan Chakshu.(11)
  • Suppose if you have to pay the school fees of your child and you have only the amount sufficient for paying fees and at that time if a Sadhu comes and asks you to abandon attachment and tells you to give that amount in donation. He may also tell that it will result in your Atma Kalyan and you will get the heaven and if you do not pay the fee for the shake of so called happiness and if you give away money to Sadhu it is not proper.(12)
  • At that time your duty is to pay the fees of the child.(13)
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  • This does not mean that you should not give the donation to Sadhu. Every Man should donate from his property to the extent possible. You should be a partner in the Prakruti’s great effort.(14)
  • The Prakruti is making the Sadhu to give spiritual knowledge to the Man, the educational institution to give education and Scientist to let them know the Prakruti’s rule. In this process it is the duty of the Man to give suitable donation from his property. In other words it is the duty of the Man to give donation for funds.(15)
  • I am explaining you in details for the purpose that you do not understand otherwise.(16)
  • If you fall sick and do not take medicines and think that the God will cure you, this type of approach is wrong. The God has given you intelligence to think about yourself, God has also given you doctors in the society. You have also been given medicines, the manufacturers and dispenser. You should take treatment for your body as per your intelligence in accordance with your economic condition.(17)
  • If you do not take the treatment and suffer from the pain it is your Karmfal.(18)
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  • If you smoke too many cigarettes and you are affected by T.B. that is the Karmfal of this birth and you are responsible for it. But if you do not have any bad habit and you are careful about your health and still you are affected by T.B. then it is the Karmfal of your previous birth which is given by Prakruti.(19)
  • Many people say that “it happens what is going to be happened. That argument is not proper.(20)
  • You should utilise the moment given by Prakruti with full understanding by keeping your Gnan Chakshu (eyes of intelligence) open and in such a way that you can use it in going to a good condition.(21)
  • We can give a number of such examples and understand them. You should use the moment which is with you, in the best possible way.(22)
  • You have to develop the vision of your Gnan Chakshu. If you will see from this point of view you will feel that how the Prakruti has kept so many services ready for you.(23)
  • By keeping this vision in view if you will think further you will automatically know what has to be done on that Bindu where you are standing.(24)
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  • You are an engine driver while running the train you have to think that the Prakruti has given you the birth for the service of the human stream and at that time its your duty to ensure that no trouble is caused by you due to carelessness, idleness or by lack of concentration.(25)
  • At this time your services are connected with other services and as a result of coordination of all services the Human stream gets the services of Railways.(26)
  • You should consider yourself as a link in these services. The Prakruti desires only this from you, you should give your excellent services. (27)
  • The services discharged like this reflect the devotion to God.(28)
  • If the engine is running on the track and you sit down to sing devotional songs and feel that “God will take care”, this is a wrong belief. At this moment it is you who represents God. You have to provide this service. It is your duty to use your intellgence, wisdom, physical strength and discretion.(29)
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  • Thus at every moment you have to take decision in the context of every moment. This moment has its importance. You have to use it to make the best use of this moment. It is in your hand to use in the best way the moment in Prakruti given condition, circumstances and in accordance with the time.(30)
  • The Prakruti is not taking any responsibility on her head. It is behaving very rigidly within its rules. There is endless mercy in its heart. You have to understand this contradictory conditions.(31)
  • If you will understand the movement of the Prakruti and act accordingly the Prakruti will help you abundantly with her mercy.(32)
  • From all these talks you will realise that it is only you and only you who have to take the decision for using every moment. It is only your privilege. Prakruti is visionary. Its super computer is on at every moment. You are surely going to get the Karmafal for your work.(33)
  • You have to keep firm faith in the God. You have also to keep that this faith does not turn in to a blind faith. There is a very thin line between the faith and blind faith. By using
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  • your intelligence you will have to remain awaken from the blind faith. Your faith in God should be strenghtened.(34)
  • This work is a little hard but not difficult. This condition can be brought about by knowledge and intelligence.(35)
  • For this purpose you have to adjust your life in such a way that your vision is always in the direction of God.(36)
  • You should at least have some time for God in your daily routine. Your programme of the day should be so arranged that you are able to spare some time of the day to meditate over the God.(37)
  • The morning time is the best time for God. During this time you should meditate and worship the God with Mantrajaap (Recitation of Mantras). We are only a child made by him and by doing this you should fondle the God just like a child fondles to mother through mind and intelligence and concentration.(38)
  • If the timing of your service or job is of morning you should not feel sorry for it. You should allot sometime for the purpose when you comeback home.(39)
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  • For this you should take a pledge to offer a daily prayer. Duration of the daily prayer should be short because by taking a pledge for a long prayer time it may not be convinient for all the day and so the Man is not doing many prayers to God. As such it is better to take a pledge for a short prayer daily and the movement towards the God should be pursued.(40)
  • This does not mean that we should worship the God only for sometime. In fact whenever you find more time and on a particular day, you should give more time to God.(41)
  • Only by elevation, meditation and worship of God you can get understanding of the God and you can rise high towards God because the God always see kindly towards those people who meditate and worship him.(42)
  • This is a scientific truth and worth experiencing.(43)
  • You should also keep in view yearly life and should select a week, a fortnight or a month for worshipping the God and during that time you should keep your mind away from worldly things and dedicate yourself to the devotion, Mantrajap and meditation of God.(44)
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  • You should evaluate your condition and plan our life accordingly. By doing like this you will internally gradually develop and during that time get enlightment from God automatically.(45)
  • Every religion has its arrangement. Every year there are sacred month of shravan, Navratri, Paryushan, Ramzan and Christmas. The attention of the Man during his life is towards physical Maya. In order to divert the mind of the Man from Physical Maya towards God, every religion has kept certain time for annual worshipping. You also fix such time during certain time of the year and in that time worship the God with devotion.(46)
  • Without expecting fruits of your Karmafal keep your vision towards only Karma. You are bound to get automatic results from the great super computer of the Prakruti.(47)
  • You are required to avail of the Prakruti’s services for your life. On the face of it, it seems that services such as Railways, communication, Television, Water, Gas are being operated by the Man. But you should not commit such
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  • a mistake. These services are operated with the help of the great movement of the Prakruti and you should think with your intelligence that you are only consuming them.(48)
  • Since you are utilising these services you should also give your services to the society as per your skill.(49)
  • It is meaningless to live the life only for availing these services.(50)
  • If one is passing a life of a Sadhu in that case he should move from village to village and spread the knowledge of God.(51)
  • The Sadhu who worshipped the God only for personal welfare and taking the services of the society is the debtor of the Prakruti.(52)
  • All services are given by Prakruti and in its exchange the Man should also give his services that is the approach of Prakruti.(53)
  • There are many people who eventhough avail these services but use these in obstructing the human stream of God. Such blind faith makes the Man a Shaitan. The God has no interest in Man except for his uplift. If we go through
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  • the history right from the birth of Man and today’s Man we get a clear idea about the Prakruti’s movement.(54)
  • We should know that the Prakruti is putting its secret rules cautiously in the hands of the Man.(55)
  • It is for this reason you should constantly keep a watch that we do not disturb the human stream by our hands, legs, intelligence or body.(56)
  • The Man instead of believing he is different than another man, he should feel that there is Humanness in all Man. By developing this concept of the oneness of Humanness. One should become helpful to the welfare path of Humanness, it is mandate of God.(57)
  • You should understand the Prakruti’s movement properly and divert yourself also towards the welfare path of oneness of Humanness.(58)
  • The God has created such a condition that every man should avail of services of another man. You would not come to know which man is providing his service such services are given only by the God and the man who are providing such services are the representative of the God. You should give such services
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  • highest quality and should become representation of God.(59)
  • I had explained in detailed in the booklet “Cosmic music” that every karma is containing ‘Satvik, Rajas and Tamas qualities and every mixture of this emotions in every Karma.(60)
  • You should perform each task with the maximum of Satvik emotions.(61)
  • By cultivating such habit, emotions of Satvikta also develop within the body.(62)
  • As a result of development of there qualities the mental speed towards the God increases.(63)
  • The emotions within the body play very important role in making every karma full of Satvikta.(64)
  • These emotions should be made Satvik and care should be taken to ensure that such jumping emotions are kept under control and do not cross the level of ‘Satva’ Gun. (quality)(65)
  • By awakening from within and developing the Satvik vision from within these will be moment towards Satvikta.(66)
  • If your karm of day to day become Satvik you will achieve upward movement it this
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  • movement continue then automatically your welfare and nothing but welfare.(67)
  • You have to maintain your family and foster your children from your income.(68)
  • If there is increase in the income in that case you should saving money for a better future.(69)
  • During this time you have to combine savings and donations.(70)
  • You have to extend your help to poor people then you, to organisations which are providing services to the human stream, the institutions which are engaged in uplift of children of the human stream, institutions which are engaged in finding Prakruti rule scientifically and Sadhu who are worshipping the God and also spreading the knowledge about God.(71)
  • All these are to be planned intelligently. You have to see that a portion of your annual income is given in donation.(72)
  • You have to see that your selfishness does not swallow you up.(73)
  • You have to adopt an approach of generousity.(74)
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  • You have to understand difference between misery and economy and do the work accordingly in other words live a life of thriftness.(75)
  • It is your duty to ensure that there is no wastage of any services of the Prakruti.(76)
  • The services as made available by Prakruti such as supply of water, food, electricity, gas etc. are to be used only as per your requirement and also should think that there are other people also you should have a feeling that we may not be able to give to others but atleast we do not waste.(77)
  • During your Pilgrimage as human life you should give love to people coming to you. Give them compassion try to help as much as you can. You are the Bindu of this human stream and believe that God has sent you to whatever help you can give to others.(78)
  • Since it is the life you have to behave with others. This arrangement of this behaviour should be made in such a way that others would have respect and honour for you.(79)
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  • When it is required to give something to economically weak people rememeber that only love and nothing but the love given to them.(80)
  • I will make this more clear when you have to deal with people who are earning their bread by labour such as labourer, washerman, garderner or a Rickshow Operator you should do it with affection.(81)
  • You should believe that the Prakruti has appointed its representative to flow with the human stream.(82)
  • You should not crack a joke against those who are physically weaker than you are. We should help handicapped those people who come in contact with us during the life time.(83)
  • We should also constantly keep in mind that we do not cause any harm in the life of others.(84)
  • We should also not do anything which can cause damage to Prakruti’s Chaitanya strearm other than the Man.(85)
  • We should prevent the forces damaging the humans stream and for this we should plan intelligently to see that least harm is caused.(86)
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  • We should not support or help forces which are obstructing human stream because the forces obstructing human stream are like shaitan and the Prakruti dislodges such forces.(87)
  • In every work one should understand the highest movement of Prakruti. You should control your emotions with intelligence and should be diverted towards the best movement of the Prakruti.(88)
  • Every task should be carried out with Satvik emotions in a best way this is your own right. You should not expect for foods by doing good task. Prakruti itself is doing mechanically fix work. It is bound to give karmafal for your work. You should have such faith.(89)
  • It is in the hands of Prakruti to decide what to, how much, when to give by way of Karmafal.(90)
  • Therefore in the condition given by Prakruti you should not have any kind of shock and unhappiness and you should accept the condition with pleasures.(91)
  • If the Prakruti makes you happy you should constantly take care that you do not become proud of it. Son when you get happiness you
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  • should start feeling within yourself that you are Karta (Doer) and because of this emotion coming into your mind and further adding in to it, you forget the existence of Prakruti.(92)
  • Thus when you get happiness you should feel that it is due to God’s blessings and try to divert your Mann, intelligence, and Atma towards God and give help more and more to others.(93)
  • You also keep in your mind that your entire energy knowledge, intelligence etc. are spent on the welfare of the Humanness.(94)
  • Remember the entire physical world is destroyable only non-physical world is eternal.(95)
  • The Prakruti has selected western world for the development of Physical world and India’s soil is selected for the development of Physical world.(96)
  • The Prakruti is flowing her secret stream on the soil of India and any Man can see the stream as and when he wants to see.(97)
  • There is no as Sacred soil as India’s on the earth to behold the God.(98)
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  • This land has such Satvik secret quality in its water that those who drink it, get Satvik quality vision of God automatically.(99)
  • You should be proud of the fact that you are born on this soil.(100)
  • You may feel that why Gurudev thinks in such a way? I understand that you are laughing at me when you see around sins, conspiracy corruption in the country.(101)
  • Son, you are having one sided view and therefore it appears to you like that.(102)
  • You are not seeing the lotuses growing in the mud. You are also not seeing the invisible hands of Prakruti which are administering India by their Satvik forces you are also not seeing the saintly people found in every corner of the country. You are also not seeing the Prakruti’s bright lamps which are spreading their light in the deep darkeness. You are also not seeing India’s smaller people but having great spiritual force you are also not seeing the people who are maintaining their Satvikta emotion in every great difficulty and that is why you are laughing.(103)
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  • “Nobody should be injured” the life should be passed in such a way that no harm is caused. Such quality automatically comes in the blood of Indian.(104)
  • An Indian has the great power in his blood to TOLERATE others.(105)
  • The great quality of “TOLERANCE’ is gifted by God to Indians.(106)
  • It is because of this quality that despite so many religions, languages, regional differences, that forces giving priority to Humanness have developed in India.(107)
  • When other countries of the World would be convinced about the force which give priority to Humanness, India will emerge as the great country and the world will understand that for the God it is the Humanness which is important.(108)
  • India will convince all other, the great movement of Prakruti to proceed further from ONENESS OF HUMANNESS. Will also divert the countries of the world to face the obstacles with force, against this movement.(109)
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  • Thus the brilliant light of India will spread over to world.(110)
  • The secret have been opened by me while making you to understand about the method of Karma’s so I am not telling you anything more about secret at present.(111)
  • You will have to cultivate “TOLERANCE” you will have to understand intelligently that there are other Man just as you are the Man.(112)
  • You should understand that the Man despite differences of religion, language, place of living, dress, life style, ultimately they are “human”.(113)
  • Every one has got the feelings just like you of unhappiness, happiness, emotions of Mann such as love, jeolousy and hater. In every one there is basic element of Humanness and the Prakruti takes the man towards the ONENESS. You have to see that such true knowledge is in you for that you have to work in that direction.(114)
  • You will have to cultivate deep understanding of ONENESS by tolerating these differences.(115)
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  • You observe entire India in the midst of so many religions, languages, regional, variations and variations in the natural power. In mids of there lies the element of ONENESS. The Prakruti is creating great strength in the Indian blood to tolarate others.(116)
  • The Prakruti by creating love and nothing but the love in other man in building up the great human religion.(117)
  • By doing this the great emotions of human religion is emerging as the PILLAR OF GREAT LIGHT IN INDIA.(118)
  • The DIVINE LIGHT OF THIS will give a lead to other nations.(119)
  • Only the Human Religion will exist as the best religion of the world.(120)
  • You have to organise your Karm in this direction.(121)
  • With the planting of a sapling tree there will not be immediately fruit a flower for that time limit is important. As soon as the time comes autoaatically fruits and flowers will grow. For this you should have patience.(122)
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  • Thus the great quality of patience should be cultivated.(123)
  • We should prepare our intelligence in sucha way that we can take our karma to higher level and for that purpose you should take knowledge from those who have more experience and knowledge. This knowledge is also invisible treasure of the man. It is a most valuable treasure as compared to physical property.(124)
  • If we have the knowledge it is our duty to give knowledge to those to who have not got it.(125)
  • The treasure of the knowledge is such that despite freely giving the knowledge it is never exhasuted.On the other hand it is increasing.(126)
  • According to the great rule of Indian scriptures This is all complete. If you add ‘Purna’, in ‘Purna’ it is still the ‘Purna’ and even if we substract the ‘Purna’ it will remain ‘Purna For understanding the Brahmatva one should have the knowledge of this rule therefore onde should not be ashamed of giving or taking the knowledge.(127)
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  • There are so many misery in this physical world. In spiritual world there is nothing like happiness, unhappyiness, benefit, loss respect or humiliation one should live in such a way that physical world to create happiness. Despite this one has the experience unhappiness then by utilising the spiritual world this unhappy should be converted into happiness.(128)
  • The physical development achieved by the Western world and the various facility to create happiness for man should be intelligently combined with the spiritual development in India. And by that style of manner reducting unhappiness and increasing the tolarance power one should organised to karmas to achieve higher level of life.(129)
  • The society which depend only on the physical world falls in a deep pit. The society which marches only towards spiritual development becomes rich therefore it is necessary that both the aspect are develop to achieve a development of the society. THE PEOPLE OF THE SOCIETY WHO ARE PHYSICALLY PROSPEROUS AND HAVE DEVELOPED WITHIN THEM SPIRITUALITY THAT SOCIETY WOULD NEVER BE UNHAPPY.(130)
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  • The Prakruti is going towards this developed society and therefore we should be helpful in the Prakruti’s such movement and work accordingly.(131)
  • Once you know the movement of Prakruti you will learn from within as to how to perform the work.(132)
  • Every moment of the man require indepedent decision for work and on that future of the moment is decided.(133)
  • Many people consider the physical world as useless. While many consider spiritual world as useless. The Prakruti has created both these worlds. Both have been developed at different places and then they have been brought closer to each other. Thus the Prakruti says that by combine both the worlds and by selecting the higher path, the Karm should be arranged in such a way that a life becomes happy to the extent possible.(134)
  • In order to present you from thinking otherwise let me make clear that happiness is a relative-thing. The man’s sleeping in the midst of happiness is unhappy within humself and the man who has not got anything is very happy within himself.(135)
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  • Therefore whatever moment comes before you. You should accpet the condition as Prakruti’s given with happily from within and you should use present moment in such a way that you excellent development take place within and outside and by that the coming future moment also becomes a fine moment.(136)
  • By performing the work in this manner you will achieve the GOLDEN LIGHT OF THE REAL HUMAN LIFE.(137)
  • I bless you that in your every task you should have the divine blessings of Prakruti.(138)
  • End of Chapter 14